The FPV Drone functions like a Vehicle or Character in Unreal Engine. So you need to set the gamemode for your level.

Setting up the Gamemode of the drone

Gamemode Class in the FPV_Drone Folder

Gamemode Class in the FPV_Drone Folder

Selecting Gamemode for the Level

Selecting Gamemode for the Level

After this step, when you hit play you will be able to fly the drone. The Gamemode is already selected on the Example map.


The main Input works only with the gamepad.


Left Thumbstick Y-Axis: Throttle

Left Thumbstick X-Axis: Yaw

Right Thumbstick Y-Axis: Pitch

Right Thumbstick X-Axis: Roll

D-Pad Up: Tilt Camera Up

D-Pad Down: Tilt Camera Down

D-Pad Right: Zoom in with the Camera

D-Pad Left: Zoom Out with the Camera