Can I add my own Remote?

Yes, but you need to find out your device Id and add it in the project settings under the raw input settings. follow these instruciton Adding a RC Transmitter

We will also create a tutorial:

Can I edit Rates?

Yes you can edit the angular rates. This means how many degrees per second the drone is turning max.

In the Drone Variables of the FPV Pawn you can set the rates


Roll X, Pitch Y, Yaw Z

We also did a tutorial

Can I change the mesh?

Yes, just import the your model as an fbx. Make sure, that the mesh is just one body. Maybe you need to combine it in a program like blender.


We provide a demo for you to check out before buying. It can be the case, that the demo is not up to date, because it is manual process to build it right now.

How can i record the drone movement?

You can use the Drone for cinematic takes. You need use the take recorder